Ages 18-35 years
Ages 18-35 years
There is an Uprise in the Wake - circlefacebook circleinstagram
We are a group of young adults that do life together and encourage each other.
We are a group on people just like you. We're normal, human and in need of a Savior. However, we realize that there is more to life than mediocrity and the here and now. We believe that it is crucial to become part of a community of people that can uplift you in hard times, encourage you when you need to hear it the most and become part of a vision that goes beyond you.
Come as you are. We mean it. You don't have to get your life right before you check us out. We believe Jesus came down to this earth to meet us right where we are at and to lift us out of the darkness in this world that tries to distract us.
We meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm
We hang out, have fun, study the Bible, and plan events! This is the place to be!
We believe that you should at least give God that chance to speak to you, no matter what your stance on Him is. Give yourself the opportunity to hear what Christianity is really all about and not just what others have told you.
We are all about a real relationship with Jesus and we are NOT an organized religion. If you are unsure about what that even means, we would love for you to come check it out sometime and one of our leaders would be glad to explain it to you.
Don't worry. We're not scary. And that is why we are here.
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