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(You can view full year calendar at the bottom of the page!)

Dreams & Visions Conference

Saturday, February 15th

All Day Event- Starting at 10AM

Passion Church will be hosting a Dreams & Visions Conference!

This will be a one day, all day conference designed to help you understand how God is speaking to his sons & daughters in these last days through dreams & visions. Be ready to be inspired by people just like you sharing their stories of the incredible heavenly encounters they have had with God.

God has been speaking to humanity this way all along, but we know that in the last days dreams & visions were specifically prophesied about and we want to encourage you in this area - how to be sensitive & aware when God is speaking to you through a dream or a vision!

This will be a one day, all day conference that will begin at 10AM and the final service is at 7PM. With a free lunch included!

Services are at 10AM, 12PM lunch, 1PM, 2PM & 7PM.

During the Final Session we will also have prayer and impartation for those desiring to hear more from God in this way.

Click here for detailed info about our guest speakers & their bios.

We invite you to join us for this amazing day filled with inspiration & hope for these last days! Even in the noise and chaos the world may make, God is still speaking and moving!




"Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, 

and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." - Hebrews 10:25

Glory Culture

Every 2nd & 4th Thursday at 7pm

Seeking God. Praying for Revival. Resting in His Presence.

This night is a great night to get together with a smaller group and also we share with each other what God is showing us or saying to us during our time of seeking HIM!

God is creating a culture for His Glory to be known and we want to see more of it! If you are hungry for seeking the deeper things of God, for revival in our city, and if your heart's desire is to spend more time resting in His presence...


We meet every 2nd & 4th Thursday for prayer, seeking God and resting in Him! We would love for you to join us!

Men's Bible Study

First Mondays

All men are invited to join us the first Monday of each month as we dive into God's Word together.

Join us for good conversation, good food and encouragement from the Word!

We meet at 6pm!

Women's Bible Study

3rd Mondays @ 6:30pm

Ladies, you are invited to join us the 3rd Monday of each month as we dive in and discuss God's Word in our heart to heart discussions together. Our desire is to see you thrive in your daily walk with God, as well as in your personal lives - by applying God's truth in your day to day living!

Join us each third Monday at 6:30pm for treats, fellowship, a time of prayer and a Bible Study or discussion! (Sometimes we do a book study too!) We would love to see you there!

Throughout the Summer, we will be hosting our Backyard Bible Study. The Bible Study will be held at various homes of Passion Church Members. Contact us with questions.

Passion & Prayer Nights

Every Wednesday Night - 7pm

Join us each and every Wednesday Night as we come together to seek God's manifest presence and glory in our lives and in our church. We are passionate about the move of the Holy Spirit and his work in our lives and in our city. We pray and move as He leads us each week. 

7pm Every Wednesday Night

Revival MKE

Special Dates TBA

People from all over the city and all different church come together in Unity to Wowship King JESUS and to allow the Holy Spirit to move freely with out restraint.

Revival MKE is for those who are hungry for more of Jesus, those who want to go deeper into the Presence of God, those who want more of the awareness of the Presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This School/Ministry is for all ages, all those who want to dive in fully to what God has for their life. 

Visit our website - revivalmke.com     circleinstagram

Mission Sunday

Every 4th Sunday of the Month

Every 4th Sunday of the month we take up a love offering for our supported missionaries, Scott and Sue Behrman. This is your opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through others throughout the world!

We also prepare a free meal each 4th Sunday from different parts of the world - just a fun opportunity for a time of fellowship and breaking bread togethr as the Body of Christ!